DIE? Norfolk Southern Derailment Was Latest Sign That IDIOCRACY Is Here
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Earlier (2015) Diversity Is Strength! It’s Also…Train Crashes?

Our Ruling Class’s response to Norfolk Southern’ s toxic train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, was unsurprising given that it is uninterested in safety if it interferes with the Woke project of Diversity, Inclusion, Equity (DIE. Wokesters call it DEI for some reason). But the disaster is just one in a long list that shows DIE will accelerate this America’s rush to become an Idiocracy, in which catastrophic failure in everything from transportation to basic infrastructure that makes life possible is routine. Train derailments. Cities without water. Near-fatal air-traffic control errors.

Let’s start with the Norfolk Southern disaster, caused by overheated wheel bearings [Rail Heat Sensors, Under Scrutiny in Ohio Crash, Face Few Regulations, by Peter Eavis, Mark Walker and Niraj Chokshi, New York Times, March 7, 2023]. Obvious question: Whatever the problem with the wheel bearings, did the railroad’s obsession with DIE contribute to the wreck? Perhaps not, from reading the New York Times’ explanation of the crash, the third one related to the same problem.

But then again, DIE is a major preoccupation at Norfolk Southern, as its website shows [Norfolk Southern Spent Years Pushing Woke DEI Initiatives Prior To East Palestine Train Derailment, by  Henry Rodger, Daily Caller, March 20, 2023]. “A diverse and inclusive workplace is key to Norfolk Southern’s success as a transportation leader,” the company says.

Here are four of its concerns:

  • Diversity is achieved through inclusion and respect for others.
  • Diversity works best when everyone participates.
  • Diversity fosters creativity and innovation.
  • Diversity is a critical business asset.

And the company was all in on Roanoke, Virginia’s, Annual Festival of Local Colors, whatever that is:

“In 2021,” the company’s 2022 annual report bragged, “Norfolk Southern appointed a new senior leader to drive lasting change by spearheading our company-wide DEI strategy.”

As the website says with a link to a YouTube video, “diversity and inclusion are the spirit of our workplace.”

Meanwhile, wheel bearings overheat and trains derail.

GOP Representative Mike Collins of Georgia does blame the Biden Regime for putting “Wokes before folks” and pushing an agenda that is quite literally a mass fatality waiting to happen.

If the NYT report is correct, one must ask why the hot wheel-bearing danger wasn’t addressed after the first wreck, and how many DIE employees were involved in any amelioration of that problem, and for that matter, the wrecks themselves.

VDARE.com’s Steve Sailer recently warned us about the frightening end of the “all-male, all-white cockpit,” the subject of a major takeout in the NYT (which had its own disaster with DIE in the person of Jayson Blair. He concocted stories out of whole cloth and was hired only because he was black and despite major problems at previous newspapers.)

And nonwhites in the cockpit aren’t the only worry. In early February, a Southwest Airlines flight en route to Cancun, Mexico, nearly turned into a ball of fire when it almost collided with a FedEx cargo plane at Austin-Bergstrom International Airport in Texas. An air-traffic controller gave Southwest 708 the green light to take off as FedEx 1432 attempted to land [Dramatic air traffic control audio captures near miss between FedEx, Southwest planes by Yaron Steinbuch, New York Post, February 6, 2023].

Fortunately, the FedEx pilot questioned instructions from the air traffic controller and aborted the landing. The Southwest flight took off safely and landed in Cancun. They were as close as 71 feet.

Reddit users who work in air traffic control claimed the controller is black and still has a job because he files complaints with the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission when superiors question his job performance [Affirmative Action Nearly Killed Me, by Hunter Wallace, Occidental Dissent, March 3, 2023].

Let’s also look back at the collapse of a pedestrian bridge close to Florida International University in Miami that killed six people a few years ago.

That unnecessary disaster directly resulted from diversity contracting. Munilla Construction Management, which built the bridge, is a Cuban-American owned company that has a history of suspect workmanship.

As VDARE’s James Kirkpatrick reported at the time, citing real estate news outlet The Real Deal, a man had sued the company because one of its bridges collapsed under him at Fort Lauderdale airport. MCM has previously bragged about doing construction work at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, noting that it is a "certified as a minority-owned firm with the Southern Florida Minority Supplier Development Council” [Munilla Construction Management (MCM) wins $66M Contract to Build School at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, Construction Dive, July 27, 2016]. For its focus on diversity, MCM has won several government contracts.

All this is pretty frightening, if you ask me, but even more so is the effect DIE might have on the electric grid we all need, you know, to survive! Writers such as Scott McConnell have highlighted how California’s long-standing energy problems are the result of immigration-driven population growth, and noted that Californians have suffered through multiple black- and brown-outs.

More importantly though, only 35 percent of California’s population is white. Obvious question: How reliable are the blacks and browns who undoubtedly manage and maintain the state’s power grid? With DIE, we must assume that unqualified people are being hired left and right.

Wouldn’t you know it, like Norfolk Southern, California’s Pacific Gas & Electric is obsessed with DIE, too:

At PG&E, we strive to provide an environment where our employees are enriched by being here and able to do their very best work. We do this by creating an inclusive culture and diverse workforce—one that reflects the diversity of our customers, works to meet the needs of the communities we serve and builds a strong and diverse supply chain. This commitment to diversity and inclusion is a critical part of our values and how we endeavor to approach each person every day. [Diversity & Inclusion, PGE.com About Page]

While Third World countries show us what life without white management is like, their problems already afflict major U.S. cities like 56-percent black Flint, Michigan, where the emergency manager was a black buffoon and decided to use a polluted river as the city’s main water source.

Chronic water troubles also afflict 15 percent white Jackson, MS whose residents have suffered not only through a catastrophic water plant failure but also routine boil-water notices. The state government intervened to keep the city afloat. The Jackson mayor is a person with the preposterous moniker Chokwe Antar Lumumba, who might have a normal name if his father hadn’t taken the name of the African communist revolutionary. Well, African communist public utilities have arrived in Jackson, Mississippi.

Sixty-percent black New Orleans gained international notoriety in 2005 for its multiple levee failures that turned Hurricane Katrina into an epic disaster. Like clockwork, New Orleans’ melanin-enhanced population looted and stole to its heart’s delight.

Those training, mechanical, and infrastructure failures and collapses are not going away anytime soon.

And what’s worse, DIE has also enervated America’s massive national security apparatus. American leaders who certainly know better want DIE incorporated into our military and intelligence agencies. While China and Russia race to build conventional and nuclear forces to challenge US global hegemony, the Director of National Intelligence, Avril Haines, believes hiring more minorities on racial grounds will give the American intelligence community an edge against its rivals.

Having scrapped its gender-neutral fitness test because “too many” women fail it, the U.S. Army insanely permits them to join the elite 75th Rangers Regiment:

Add that to the suicidal decision, another results of DIE before it was called DIE, to allow thousands of Chinese nationals to migrate here and steal sensitive trade secrets. The Chinese are laughing at us.

As residents of a First World country, white Americans take for granted how much of their everyday lives run smoothly because white men, in the main, still run their country.

That’s where Idiocracy comes in. In the movie, Army librarian Joe Bauers awakens from a bungled government hibernation experiment to find himself living 500 years later in a bizarre dystopia. The society into which he emerges is one in which the average person’s intelligence has cratered and mindless consumption fuels his base appetites. Costco has a law school, a professional wrestler is president of the United States, and the society’s crops are dying because its inhabitants hydrate their fields with a sport drink, Brawndo, which has “electrolytes” and “what plants crave.” The Brawndo company owns the Food and Drug Administration.

My prediction as an immigrant from Venezuela: As the country becomes less white and incompetent nonwhites gobble up key jobs, the United States will become an Idiocracy and regularly experience nationwide infrastructure collapses and other failures. To avoid that future, American whites must eventually discuss the demographic shift—more and more low-IQ nonwhites in positions of power—that’s taking us in that direction: major cities with non-potable water, whole states without electricity, and hospitals that literally kill people. They must imagine a future when nonwhites— particularly incompetents—occupy major, sensitive management positions and will oversee everything from bridge building to certification for neurosurgeons.

Besides that, when the country goes majority brown, nonwhites and institutions will receive privileges denied to whites. At stake isn’t just our standard of living, but instead our very quality of life.

But even contemplating that dreary future isn’t enough. My opinion as an immigrant: The mostly White Historic American Nation must reassert control of the country its ancestors built from nothing with sheer will, hard work, and creative genius. That society, until the 1960s, was 90 percent white, which began changing with mass, nonwhite immigration subsequent to the 1965 Hart-Celler Act. Since then, and with the Civil Rights Revolution that preceded it in 1964, the Ruling Class has been on a campaign to replace the descendants of America’s heroic settlers.

At the rate my beloved, adopted country is going with the Ruling Class’s pushing Woke, anti-white policies and The Great Replacement via open borders, Idiocracy, again, will cease to be a work of fiction. As VDARE.com’s Paul Kersey has observed, “it’s a blueprint for the future.”

Pedro de Alvarado [Email him] is a Hispanic dissident who is well aware of the realities of race from his experience living throughout Latin America and in the States.

As a native of lands conquered by brave Spaniards but later subverted by centuries of multiracial trickery and despotic governance, Pedro offers clear warnings to Americans about the perils of multiracialism.


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