Remember Oregon! "Polls Are Polls And Pols Are Pols. The Ultimate Poll Is Election Day."
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In his current VDARE article on the Fifth Circuit Court's procedural ruling against the administration's amnesty-by-coup, John Reid emphasizes the importance of making immigration sanity a prominent issue in the approaching presidential race.

That strategy might be called into question by something Brenda Walker wrote here a few days ago:

The pollsters at Rasmussen have quizzed American voters and found that 53 percent of Obama’s Democrat party think illegal aliens are good to go in the voting booth, equal to us citizens. Only 21 percent of Republicans agree with that idea. The idea is another slice in the death by a thousand cuts to national sovereignty and the rule of law.

[Rasmussen Poll: Majority of Democrats Support Illegal Alien Voting, May 29, 2015]

Only 21 percent?  Geesh!

But there may be less to that Rasmussen poll than meets the eye.  Consider my title, which quotes the title of a post-November-2010-elections piece [, November 10, 2010 ]by patriotic-immigration-reform stalwart Rick Oltman.  In that piece, Rick highlighted encouraging results in several local and statewide candidate races around the country, including in the primaries earlier that year, wherein immigration concerns figured importantly in the results.

The most recent demonstration of Rick's point was the spectacular victory of Oregon's immigration patriots last November, defeating driver's licenses for illegal aliens in a "citizens' veto" referendum.

Oregon is a solidly-"blue" state.  Its seven-person congressional delegation includes six Democrats rated "F-minus" on immigration by NumbersUSA.  And Greg Walden, the sole Republican, earns a pathetic "C."  Governor Kate Brown is a Democrat, and the state's House and Senate have 35 to 25 and 18 to 12 Democratic majorities, respectively.

Nevertheless, the patriots' "No on 88" campaign won by a thumping 68% to 32%, despite being outspent 11 to 1.

And this was no obscure race.  According to Michelle Malkin:

More voters weighed in on Measure 88 than any other single candidate or question on the ballot, including the campaigns for governor, U.S. senator and marijuana legalization.

Thus, legions of Democrat-voting Oregonians must have voted against letting illegal aliens have driver's licenses.  So how plausible is it that those same voters would want illegal aliens casting ballots?

A similarly stark and heartening result was evident in Montana's November, 2012 election.  Legislative Referendum 121 to deny some state services to illegal aliens won with nearly 80% of the vote.  Meanwhile Romney, too, won the state, but with only about 55% of the vote, meaning that many Democrat-oriented voters had to have voted for the referendum.  (I wrote about this in detail here.)

So patriotic immigration activists should follow John Reid's advice and not be distracted by the dismal results Rasmussen reported.


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