Tucker Carlson And VDARE.com On Anarcho-Tyranny
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Earlier: Sam Francis On Anarcho-Tyranny, 1992: Laws To Punish The Innocent

Tucker Carlson mentioned Anarcho-Tyranny on his show:

This is being condemned by the usual condemners, because the concept was invented by Samuel T. Francis, considered a wrong-thinker by persons of Goodthinkfulness.

I’ve explained previously that ”Anarcho-tyranny is the system whereby the shopkeeper is denied a permit for a pistol, and the robber is given probation.”

Another way I personally put is

Anarcho-Tyranny is that state of things where they can’t arrest the burglars or the armed robbers, but they can arrest householders and store owners who defend themselves.

In 1997, Sam Francis wrote that it was

”a form of government that seems to be unknown in history until recently. Anarcho-tyranny is a combination of the worst features of anarchy and tyranny at the same time.

Under anarchy, crime is permitted and criminals are not apprehended or punished. Under tyranny, innocent citizens are punished. Most societies in the past have succumbed to either one or the other, but never as far as I know to both at once.”

The George Floyd Riots provide a number of examples.

This is the Anarchy:

This is the Tyranny:

This is the Anarchy:

This is the Tyranny:

This is the Anarchy:

This is the Tyranny:

This is the Anarchy:

This is the Tyranny:

And finally, because it was also mentioned by Tucker:

This is the Anarchy:

This is the Tyranny:

Get the picture?

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