Jackpot Baby Loses Extra Freebies; Complaints Ensue
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What is it about today's immigrants and ethnic cheerleaders that makes them refuse to abide by the rules? The latest complaint-fest is Chinese with their feng shui in a bunch about one of the tribe being disqualified as the contest winner for the first baby born in 2007. The initial winner (a Chinese anchor baby) was found not to meet the requirement that parents must be legal residents [Toys "R" Us Baby Contest Sparks Fuss, AP 1/6/07].

Although promotional materials called for "all expectant New Year's mothers" to apply for the contest, Waugh said eligibility rules required babies' mothers to be legal residents. Many sweepstakes have such requirements, Waugh said.

Although Yuki was born an American citizen, Waugh said the contest administrator was told that Yuki's mother "was not a legal resident of the United States." [...]

The prize went instead to runner-up Jayden Swain, [shown here with mother Renee Swain] born 19 seconds after midnight at Northeast Georgia Medical Center in Gainesville, Ga.

Jayden Swain and mother As a result, some in the Asian community were "outraged" that Toys 'R' Us would follow its own rules for its own contest, which the Chinese saw as treating the jackpot kid as a "second-class citizen" [First-Baby Sweepstakes Fuels Immigration Debate, New York Times 1/06/07].

The first baby of the year is usually a one-day story. But Albert H. Wang, a corporate lawyer who read about Yuki Lin's lost chance on the Web site of the Chinese-language newspaper The World Journal, was outraged enough to start an e-mail campaign that is enlisting the ire of prominent Chinese-Americans like the president of the Asian American Business Development Center and officers of the Organization of Chinese Americans.

Janet Keller, Jayden's grandmother, had some words to say about illegal aliens:

But comments by Ms. Keller, the grandmother of the winning baby, hinted at the wrath that the company risked from the other side at a time when the most stringent critics of illegal immigration have called for an end to birthright citizenship, saying the children born to illegal immigrants are "anchor babies" who encourage illegal entry.

"If she's an illegal alien, that makes the baby illegal," said Ms. Keller, 50. Told otherwise, she remarked, "Sounds like a double standard to me," adding, "She was disqualified 151 that should be it. Don't go changing your mind now."

Some Chinese have such a high opinion of themselves that they brag about their family history of being "paper sons" 151 a scam by which American citizen Chinese claimed other peoples' children as their own for a price. The Chinese Exclusion Act convinced many Asians that their illegal acts to cheat America were justified — yet another rationalization of illegal immigration.

Among today's "squabbling nationalities," many believe their ethnic group's innate specialness (with extra points for real or imagined victimhood) grants them the right to immigrate. VDARE.com is here to remind them otherwise.

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