An Oklahoma Reader Worries About Chinese Aliens Invading His State
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01/09/10 - Saturday Forum: A Former Volunteer For Peace In Africa Says Pregnant Mom Case Smells Like Fraud To Him; etc.

From: Art Daney (e-mail him)

Re: Allan Wall's Blog: North Bound Border Traffic

Wall's license plate analysis of U.S residents coming and going into Mexico is interesting.

In Oklahoma, we have known for a long time that Mexicans learned that destinations other than California and Arizona offer opportunity.

What's equally disturbing is that, according to our local newspaper, it's not just Mexicans sneaking into the country but also the Chinese. [More Chinese Migrants Nabbed at Arizona-Mexico Border Crossing, Associated Press, October 19, 2010]

Some Chinese aliens have already been found in Oklahoma. Deporting them is a problem because China does not accept back its deported nationals.

While the number of Oklahoma's illegal alien Chinese is "small," that's no comfort.

Every illegal alien problem starts out "small" but soon mushrooms into a major headache.

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