Post By A.W. Morgan on 03/28/2022

BREAKING NEWS FROM VICE: Let’sGoBrandon Hatches Secret Pact To Sneak In Russians

If the Biden Regime’s border treason reached an ear-shattering crescendo with secret midnight flights of illegals into the heartland, consider this soft grace note: U.S. and Mexican officials hatched a...
Post By Paul Kersey on 03/18/2022

Black CNN Op-Ed Writer Asks: "Who Cares About White People Dying In Russian/Ukrainian Conflict, What Does This Have To Do With Africa?"

As white people from Russia wage war on white people in the Ukraine, and white people in both Europe and the United States care about the event unfolding—potentially plunging the world into another poi...
Article By Enzo Porter on 03/16/2022

International Leftists, Media Push To Smuggle In African Migrants With Ukrainian Refugees

Earlier: U.S. Ruling Class Reluctant To Accept Ukrainian Refugees—Except To Enable Increased Third World Influx Most of Europe has reacted to the war in Ukraine by opening up its arms to the estimated...
Article By Washington Watcher II on 03/15/2022

U.S. Ruling Class Reluctant To Accept Ukrainian Refugees—Except To Enable Increased Third World Influx

Earlier: MSM Hates White Refugees, Doesn't Want To Look At Why They're Different From Yemenis, Syrians, Afghans, Ethiopians, Haitians, Etc. The West faces a rare situation: millions of white refugees a...
Post By James Fulford on 03/15/2022

MSM Hates White Refugees, Doesn't Want To Look At Why They're Different From Yemenis, Syrians, Afghans, Ethiopians, Haitians, Etc.

At Jared Taylor and Paul Kersey have a podcast entitled ‘It’s Good to be a White Refugee’: The title of the podcast is from a Daily Beast column by Wajahat Ali. It’s Good to Be a White Refu...
Post By Paul Kersey on 03/04/2022

LA TIMES Television Critic: Ukraine Reporting Reveals “Grim Bias,” Fascination “People Like Us,” I.E., Civilized Whites

Earlier: WASHINGTON POST: Ukraine Enthusiasts Are Racist and NYT: Racist Central European Countries Are Letting In Ukrainian Refugees Instead Of Black Muslims Yes, but what does the invasion of white U...
Post By A.W. Morgan on 03/02/2022

AOC: Let’s Use Ukrainian Refugees As Stalking Horse To Get TPS For Latin America’s Invading Hordes

You knew it wouldn’t be long before we heard the cry that President Biden must grant Temporary Protected Status to Ukrainians who flee the invading Russian army. Whatever the motives of some refugee pa...