Radio Derb Transcript Up For September 8: N.Y. Mayor’s Lament, Don’t Trust The (Political) Science, And Targeting The Administrative State, Etc.
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The Radio Derb transcript is up for September 8, 2023. Go here to read or listen.

02:18  The Mayor’s lament.  (Derbyshire’s Law of Under-Estimation.)

16:41  Political what?  (PoliSci goes woke.)

22:03  Targeting the administrative state.  (Trump 2025 will be prepared.)

29:03  Seeking a point of balance.  (Is there a case for the Deep State?)

35:35  Romanians emigrate.  (Losing both tails of the bell curve.)

37:09  Albanians, too.  (No guys left in town.)

38:55  India changes its name.  (Pay no attention.)

40:28  Rolling Stones keep rolling. (New album out!)

40:39  Signoff.  (With a silly song.)

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