Biden's Infrastructure Plan Targets The White Suburbs For Destruction...And Of Course Crime
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Earlier by Kenn Gividen: Biden May Have Been On And Off In SUPPORTING Integration But He's Always PRACTICED Segregation For Himself And His Family

A component of Biden's federal infrastructure plan proposes to pressure jurisdictions to eliminate exclusionary zoning laws that only permit single-family dwellings. White House occupant Joe Biden’s plan is to inject government housing projects in virtually every suburban neighborhood. Local governments that resist the effort risk losing federal grants.

Along with government housing projects comes violent crime, such as those listed in my monthly "Death Of White America" roundups, the latest of which will appear tonight. Consequently, Biden’s war on America’s suburbs will effectively force every community to become rife with an array of violent crimes [Biden's infrastructure plan calls for cities to limit single-family zoning and instead build affordable housing, by Romina Ruiz-Goiriena,, April 14 2021].

See also

And from 2020, what it's like to have a President who doesn't hate white people:





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