Alleged Corrupt Hispanic Official In Alleged Sex-For-Visas Scandal In Guyana
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Alleged Corrupt Hispanic Official In Alleged Sex-For-Visas Scandal In GuyanaThe Daily Caller's story US Embassy official in Guyana removed in alleged sex-for-visas scandal [By Charles C. Johnson, July 7, 2013] is about a man named Edy Zohar Rodrigues Duran, from Mission Hills, Texas, apparently a Mexican-American, but in any event an example of the "corrupt Hispanic official" phenomenon.

The Daily Caller

Duran has been “accused of selling visas to many corrupt businessmen [and] drug dealers … for as low as US$15,000,” according to a news report in the Guyana Observer News. “The Feds have not stumbled on concrete evidence on the issue of money for visas, but sufficient evidence on the sex for visas.”

Agence France Presse also reported last week that the embassy was “investigating allegations that a consular officer who worked at the post was selling visas for thousands of dollars.”

What strikes me about this story is that they sent a Hispanic to post in Guyana, which is what some of our older readers may remember as "British Guiana."

The State Department, like the Border Patrol, has a lot of affirmative action Hispanics because they can speak Spanish. Why send a guy named Rodrigues Duran to  the only South American nation whose official language is English?

See a previous story about sex for visas here, And see a lot of stories about Hispanics and corruption here.

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