A Reader Reports A 2017 Asian Mass Shooting Confirmed As Immigrant Mass Murder
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Earlier (2017) Chinese Guy Who Went Postal At SF UPS—Immigrant Or Not?

From: An Anonymous Reader [Email him]

The article you linked to on the California Asian  dance studio shooter Huu Can Tran had a link pointing to  Wikipedia’s article on the San Francisco UPS shooting committed by Jimmy Lam.

I used to work in that building, in the '80s...

He was an immigrant from Thailand. The article says he immigrated as an infant, so there's that[Colleagues, police at loss to find reason for UPS shooting, by Paul Elias and Janie Har, AP, June 15, 2017].

James Fulford writes: We wrote this up at the time, but the MSM wasn't reporting that he was an immigrant.


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