"And Race And Sex Were In The Air...": Comparing The Richmond CA Gang-Rape To The Duke Rape Hoax
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Lawrence Auster has been writing about the gang-rape in California that I mentioned below. It appears that while the alleged perpetrators of this crime were largely Hispanic, but include one black and one white, the victim may have been white.

I say "may have been," that's a deduction, because it's not the kind of thing that the media wants us to know, and they have even deleted a comment  surmising this from a news website.

It's true that the press rightly avoids naming rape victims, who have had a hard enough time already without having their name on TV. But compare this case with the Duke Rape Hoax, where a reporter for the Washington Post started a story in its Arts and Living section , even after it was becoming known that it was a hoax, with the words "She was black, they were white, and race and sex were in the air." See how long it takes them to write a similar story this time.

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