Salma Hayek Shares A Story Of Her Valiant Reconquista Response to A Case Of Discrimination Before She Was Famous
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Many Hollywood celebrities think their entertainment abilities make them wise persons, experts on politics, social issues and the meaning of life.

Add to that the La Raza mentality, and you've got a real arrogant case on your hand.

Dual citizen Mexican-born actress Salma Hayek, who became an American citizen so she could, in her own words, " help the Latinos" is such a person.

For more details, see Salma's Citizenship Strategy - And Ours and Celebrity Citizens.

Salma was recently interviewed on the Huffington Post's "#WMN" (get it?) section, by Carolina Modarressy-Tehrani. You can watch the interview below.

Salma has plenty to promote about herself, how she was discriminated against in Hollywood and prevented  from reaching her potential because she's a rebel. It's enough to make one weep.

Salma was discriminated against, you see, because she is a woman, a Latina, and an Arab (her father was Lebanese). Oh, and because she speaks her mind. Because of all that, she says "I didn't have that huge of a career in Hollywood".

Oh really? She has more money and fame than most of us ever will, based upon being an actress, a person who pretends to be someone else.

Salma also had some things to say about Donald Trump, who doesn't really know how the world works, or something like that. She made it clear she thinks Democrats are better than Republicans on immigration. (That's despite the fact that the GOP has usually surrendered on immigration, but that's not part of the narrative.)

Salma, by the way, is also an expert on the economy, assuring us that the U.S. economy would be destroyed without illegal aliens. There you go.

The way Salma tells it, she was the first Latina to really break into Hollywood and defy all those stereotypes.

Actually, Mexicans have been in Hollywood since the 1920s, and some had done very well there years before Salma graced Tinseltown with her presence. Click here in this article and scroll down to the paragraph beginning "It's not as though Salma Hayek were the first Mexican to get work in Hollywood." I present for your examination, documented examples of Mexican actors who did well in Hollywood before Salma.

You may be wondering, how Salma, now a wealthy movie star and producer, was discriminated against. That gut-wrenching story starts at around the 15 minute mark.

A viewer had sent in this question:

Did Salma ever get discrminated against before she became famous for her accent or her race?
(Hmm, does that mean (1) she was discriminated against because of her accent or her race? Or does it mean (2)she became famous because of her accent or her race? Of course, the questioner intends the former, yet one might make the case for the latter.)

Salma's answer was in the affirmative, yes she had been discriminated against. And she pontificated that

America has a very severe problem with discrmination that we try to overlook.
"Overlook"? I hear people like Salma talk about it all the time!

But Salma shared a concrete example of discrimination before she was famous. She was attending a movie in a movie theater in Los Angeles and somebody said some unkind words to her. This person told her to "Go back to you country!" Salma replied that "This is my country, you go back to your country."

Salma even pulled out the reconquista card:

No, this was my country even before it was America. Not only, you know, I have my [U.S.] citizenship, before it was America this was already my country and if you don't like it you can move.
Yes, that's the mentality we're dealing with, and it looks likely to get worse.
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