Radio Derb Transcript Up For Feb 1: Congress ♥ NATO, Executive Action, High-Trust Societies, And DON'T Learn To Code, Etc.
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The Radio Derb transcript is up for February 1.  Go here to read or listen.


00m41s  Congress NATO.  (Job One for our ruling class: Keep us in NATO.)

05m55s  Another case for Executive action.  (Just do it, Mr President.)

14m49s  High-trust societies are easy marks.  (We have no immunity.)

21m41s  Asylum for victims of microaggression?  (Coming soon to a port of entry near you.)

25m25s  Don't learn to code!  (It's been foreignized.)

32m25s  Outrage of the week.  (A noose? Come on.)

35m42s  Another Smollett story.  (Eighteenth-century job interview.)

36m42s  Her Majesty's what?  (Dame Elizabeth who?)

38m05s  Signoff.  (Vox pop.)

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