By John Derbyshire on 05/31/2024

JOHN DERBYSHIRE: Trump’s Verdict, Clinton’s Narcissism, And The Ruling Class’s “Wound That Will Not Heal”

[Adapted from the latest Radio Derb, now available exclusively on] Earlier: Trump And Victims Of Third-World Justice So a Manhattan jury found Trump guilty on all thirty-four charg...
By Peter Bradley on 05/30/2024

Trump And Victims Of Third-World Justice

James Fulford writes: Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican candidate for President, was convicted of… something… related to his being the victim of blackmail during the 2016 campaign. This was an a...
By Ann Coulter on 05/29/2024

ANN COULTER: Ahmaud Arbery, Christopher Lane, And The Media Guide To Which Joggers It’s Racist To Shoot

Subscribe to Ann Coulter‘s Substack UNSAFE. Earlier: Joe Biden Wants To Talk About Black “Jogger” Ahmaud Arbery—Why Won’t He Talk About These Raped/Murdered White Joggers? I did not think I could hate ...
By Former Agent on 05/28/2024

FORMER AGENT: RFK JR. Hasn’t Given Birthright Citizenship Abolition Any Thought

Earlier: Presidential Candidate RFK JR. Must Acknowledge Immigration Sins Of Kennedy Dynasty Back when the Senate tried to pass its atrocious border bill, Senator James Lankford (R-OK) was touted as on...
By Patrick Cleburne on 05/27/2024

The Chinese Immivasion: Fearing Peasants, Elite Goes Into Belittle/Deny Mode. Dishonest As Usual.

Late in the evening earlier this month I stood at the heart of the campus of one of America’s great universities, marveling at the generosity of the American business community in building and rebuildi...
By James Fulford on 05/26/2024

Memorial Day Was Founded On North-South Reconciliation—Remember North-South Reconciliation?

Memorial Day dates back to the Civil War, and is one reason why November 11 (Remembrance Day in the Anglosphere, Veterans Day in the US) is less of a big deal in the U.S. than in England or Canada—by t...
By John Derbyshire on 05/24/2024

JOHN DERBYSHIRE: “Migrants” Big Business As Biden Regime Imposes Them From Broadway NY To Armpit ME

[Adapted from the latest Radio Derb, now available exclusively on] Here’s the late Judy Garland with ”Give my regards to Broadway …” Ah yes, Broadway; the Great White Way, the Street of Drea...
By Steve Sailer on 05/21/2024

SAILER AT THE CASTLE: What If I’m Right About Race Etc.? Neither Utopia Nor Apocalypse, But Improvement In Discourse [WITH Q&A!] Editor Peter Brimelow: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back. I’m Peter Brimelow, I’m the editor of, and we’re coming to you, for those of you on livestream, from the Berkeley Springs...
By Hunter Wallace on 05/20/2024

OCCIDENTAL DISSENT’S HUNTER WALLACE: Paleoconservatism Won The Metapolitical Debate—Next, Political Power

Crossposted from Occidental Dissent, where it was posted under the title Paleoconservatism: The Journey from the Margins to the Mainstream. Comment at Occidental Dissent Editor Peter Brimelo...
By John Derbyshire on 05/19/2024

JOHN DERBYSHIRE: The Great Ann Corcoran Vs. The Open Borders Wolf Pack

[Adapted from the latest Radio Derb, now available exclusively on] When the United States has been restored as a proper nation with demographic stability, well-managed borders, and a proper c...
By John Derbyshire on 05/18/2024

JOHN DERBYSHIRE: Bomb Ivy League To Rubble, Sow Ground With Salt! Oh, And Stop Women Voting

[Adapted from the latest Radio Derb, now available exclusively on] Pretty much all the news that comes out of our colleges and universities nowadays is unsightly. A good proportion of it is d...
By Dan Lyman on 05/17/2024

LYMAN AT THE CASTLE: “BORDER HAWK Does This On A Shoestring Budget. Imagine If FOX Put A Fraction Of Its Budget Into Exposing The Invasion.”

Earlier (last year’s Conference) BORDER HAWK’S DAN LYMAN: “We Were Never Asked.” Editor Peter Brimelow: I said when I was introducing Keith Woods that one of the great things about getting o...
By Peter Brimelow on 05/15/2024

“Biting The Bullet“ (1989)—Peter Brimelow On ’80s Gun Control Attempts And ’70s “Protests“

James Fulford writes: This was written in 1989 by Peter Brimelow while he was still a British subject living in New York, to explain the American gun issue to the readers of the London Times.  It cover...
By Ann Coulter on 05/15/2024

ANN COULTER: Stormy Daniels—The Rosa Parks Of Porn Stars

Earlier, by Ann Coulter: Trump Vs. The Clintons: Who Has ACTUALLY Been Abusing Women? Subscribe to Ann Coulter‘s Substack UNSAFE. I notice a tiny, almost infinitesimal, difference in the treatment of w...
By Jared Taylor on 05/14/2024

JARED TAYLOR: The Strange Career Of The Confederate Soldier—From Honorable Opponent To Pariah

Earlier by Jared Taylor: Video, Text, And Pictures: Spitting On Dead Confederates—And America James Fulford writes:  Jared Taylor, editor of American Renaissance, spoke at the VDARE 2024 Conference on...
By John Derbyshire on 05/12/2024

JOHN DERBYSHIRE: Swept Away By Eva Vlaardingerbroek—And Samuel Huntington

[Adapted from the latest Radio Derb, now available exclusively on] My acquaintance with CPAC [Conservative Political Action Conference] has been minimal. I attended the February 2012 CPAC in ...
By Kenn Gividen on 05/11/2024

ABOUT 33 BLACK-ON-WHITE HOMICIDES: April 2024—Another Month In The Death Of White America

By James Kirkpatrick on 05/08/2024

KIRKPATRICK AT THE CASTLE [TRANSCRIPT, VIDEO]: “We Win This, Or No Victory Is Possible.” Editor Peter Brimelow at the conference April 27, 2024: I’ve been saying today that one of the great things about getting old is that there’s a new crop of younger and better peopl...
By Ann Coulter on 05/08/2024

ANN COULTER: White Police Officer Stuck in BLM Nightmare

Did Ricky Cobb II have a position on the war in Gaza? It must be a shock to police officers busting up campus protests to be cheered, rather than jeered, as they have been since the police shooting of ...
By Patrick Cleburne on 05/06/2024

Communist Coup (cont.): Black Female Judge Yvette Roland Trashes Key Anglo-American Legal Principles To Lynch Trump Lawyer John Eastman

I imagine most observers across the political spectrum would agree (on the Left, perhaps discreetly) that another four years with the White House controlled by the Biden puppet masters will cement the ...
By Harrison H. Smith on 05/05/2024

[TRANSCRIPT] “Infinite Immigration Forever: How to Build a Revolution-Proof World”—Harrison Smith’s Speech To The 2024 Conference

Earlier: Peter Brimelow Interviewed By Harrison Smith On Letitia James’s Attack On Editor Peter Brimelow: Harrison Smith is a great hero. He’s one of the panoply of broadcasters t...
By John Derbyshire on 05/04/2024

JOHN DERBYSHIRE Opposes House Anti-Semitism Bill—Asks “What About Anti-Gentilism?”

[Adapted from the latest Radio Derb, now available exclusively on] Last week the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Antisemitism Awareness Act, giving the federal Department of Educatio...
By Scott Greer on 05/03/2024


Earlier: GREER AT THE CASTLE: Identity Issues SLOWLY Entering Conservative Mainstream James Fulford writes: Scott Greer, one of the early victims of doxing by Katie McHugh, was fired by the Daily Calle...
By Keith Woods on 05/02/2024

"Immigration Or Democracy"—Keith Woods' Speech To The VDARE Conference

James Fulford writes: This is Irish activist Keith Woods's speech to the VDARE conference as prepare, with Tweets and citations added. See the video for any ad-libs. Check out his  Substack  and follow...
By Steve Sailer on 05/02/2024

UCLA Riot—A Battle Between The Diverse And The Jews

The timeline appears to be, roughly: Pro-Palestine protestors seized control of the center of the UCLA campus (the Royce Hall area) and set up a fortified shanty town. The college administration al...
By John Derbyshire on 05/01/2024

DERB'S APRIL DIARY: [11 ITEMS!] Eclipse In Cleveland, Eclipse On Mars?; Middle East Disavowal; VDARE Conference; The Young Ones; ETC!!!!

The busiest month.     I don’t know about April being the cruelest month, but for me April 2024 has the busiest month for a long time. April was bracketed, beginning and end, by two long (500 miles, 3...
By Ann Coulter on 05/01/2024

ANN COULTER: ADL, SPLC Attacked VDARE, Proud Boys—Totally Missed Real Threat From Pro-Hamas Left

Subscribe to Ann Coulter‘s Substack UNSAFE. Too bad the Jewish students being harassed on campuses don’t have the Proud Boys around to protect them. They can thank the Anti-Defamation League's Jonathan...